Taxonomy of meanings for 眷:  

  • 眷 juàn (OC: krons MC: kʷɯiɛn) 居倦切 去 廣韻:【眷屬説文顧也居倦切十五 】
  • 眷 juàn (OC: krons MC: kʷɯiɛn) 居倦切 去 廣韻:【同眷 】

    Additional information about 眷


    • LOOK

      1. The current word for looking at something close in general is shì 視, but the word can also occasionally refer specifically to looking down rather than up. (See also SEE.)

      2. Wàng 望 (and the much rarer tiào 眺 / 覜 and zhān 瞻 ) refer to looking at something from a distance (often with connotations of admiration), and the connoted direction is always upwards.

      3. Pàn 盼 refers to looking around with the expectation of finding something.

      4. Jiān 監 refers to looking at something so as to ascertain something about it or on the basis of it.

      5. Gù 顧 adds to the notion of looking at something the turning of one's head, or one's attention, from something to what is being looked at. Juàn 眷 is intensitive for gù 顧.

      6. Dǔ 睹 / 者 plus 見 on-right adds to the notion of looking at something the connotation of intense pleasure and typically the hope of establishing personal or erotic contract with the person one looks at by looking at her.

      7. Dì 睇 and lài 睞 are rare words referring to a flirtatious quick glance.

      8. Nì 睨 and miǎn 眄 refers to looking at someone sidewise as a show of demonstrative disrespect.

      9. Yáng 仰 (ant. fǔ 俯 "look down") refers to throwing one's head back and look up. See LOOK UP


      1. The current general words for relatives are qīn 親 "consanguine relative", and qī 戚 "non-consaguine relative".

      2. Juàn 眷 is not very current in pre-Buddhist times, but does refer quite generally to consanguine as well as non-consanguine relatives.

      3. Qī 戚 refers to relatives including and sometimes focussing on the non-consanguine relations.

      4. Qīn qī 親戚 refers to members of one family having a consanguinal relationship. Before the >Qín 秦 dynasty, these could be also called zhì qīn 至親.

      5. Gǔ roù 骨肉 is used as a metaphor refering to a consanginual kinship.

      6. Jiā rén 家人 refers to the family living together.

      7. Qīn shǔ 親屬 refers in a rather objective or even administrative way to the members of a clan.


      顧 is to turn one's head and look.

      眷 is to turn one's head and look intensely at, often with concern,

      眷言 is a poetic way of saying 眷.,

      顧瞻 is to turn one's head and have a look at.

      顧視 is to turn one's head and examine visually,

      還目 is to to look around,

      反顧 is to look in the opposite direction,

      還望 is to look into the distance in the other direction,

      顧睨 is to peer into the other direction.

      顧望 is to turn one's head and look in the other direction.