Taxonomy of meanings for 忿:  

  • 忿 fěn (OC: srid MC: ʃɪt) 父吻切 上 廣韻:【 】
  • 忿 fěn (OC: phɯnʔ MC: pʰiun) 敷粉切 上 廣韻:【怒也敷粉切又敷問切二 】
  • 忿 fèn (OC: phɯns MC: pʰiun) 匹問切 去 廣韻:【怒也 】
    • ANGER
      • nabpsychfit of anger; small fits of anger, momentary fit of anger
      • vadNvery angry, acutely angry
      • vt[oN]suffer a transient fit of uncontrollable anger, get momentarily angry and show one's hot temper at a given point of time, lose one's temper, fly into a rage
      • vtoNcausativemake angry, cause to be angry, to anger SHIJI, Chen She

      Additional information about 忿

      說文解字: 【忿】,悁也。从心、分聲。 【𢾭粉切】

      • ANGER





        See also ANGUISH

        1. Nù 怒 (ant. xǐ 喜 "be delighted") is the general word for anger, and the word tends to imply overt manifestation of feelings of anger, typically in terms of altered breathing patterns. (cf. nù 怒 "to puff oneself up")

        [OVERT], [PERSONAL]

        2. Fèn 忿 (ant. yuè 說/悅 "feel not the slightest anger but on the contrary feel pleased") refers to momentary and intense anger, and it does not typically focus on an show of emotion. There is a difference of degree between nù 怒 "show (often great) anger ( 怒甚, 大怒 ) and fèn 忿 "be momentarily angry" (there is no dà fèn 大忿, fèn shèn 忿甚 ). Nù 怒 forms vtS, whereas fèn 忿 does not have that function.


        3. Yùn 慍 (ant. yì 懌 "feel perfectly pleased with something") is lingering indignation which may or may not be overt. See ANGUISH


        4. Fèn 憤 "pent-up anguish" is intense dissatisfaction and anguish rather than an angry attitude directed against any person. See ANGUISH


        5. Huì 恚 is a general word for anger that is remarkably frequent in collocation with near-synonyms.

        Word relations
      • Ant: (ANGER)歡 / 歡 / 驩/HAPPY Huān 歡 (ant. bēi 悲 "sadness" and chóu 愁 "worried sadness") refers to sociable temporary high spirits and happiness, not only visible to many but normally shared by a group.
      • Contrast: (ANGER)怒/ANGER Nù 怒 (ant. xǐ 喜 "be delighted") is the general word for anger, and the word tends to imply overt manifestation of feelings of anger, typically in terms of altered breathing patterns. (cf. nù 怒 "to puff oneself up") [OVERT], [PERSONAL]
      • Contrast: (ANGER)恨/HATE
      • Assoc: (ANGER)怒/ANGER Nù 怒 (ant. xǐ 喜 "be delighted") is the general word for anger, and the word tends to imply overt manifestation of feelings of anger, typically in terms of altered breathing patterns. (cf. nù 怒 "to puff oneself up") [OVERT], [PERSONAL]
      • Assoc: (ANGER)恨/HATE
      • Assoc: (ANGER)悁/DISSATISFIED