Taxonomy of meanings for 嫁:  

  • 嫁 jià (OC: kraas MC: kɯa) 古訝切 去 廣韻:【家也故婦人謂嫁曰歸 】
    • MARRY
      • vadNmarried
      • vt[oN](of women) get married; get married off
      • vt[oN]actget married to someone else
      • vtoNget married to
      • vtoNcausativemarry off one's daughter to; marry off one's concubine
      • vtoNN=womanmarry off one's daughter or daughter-in-law
      • vtoNpassiveget married off; be married
      • vtt(oN1.)+N2marry a contextually determinate person N1 off to N2
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2marry off (sombody N1) to (somone N2)昔秦伯嫁其女於晉公子
      • vt+prep+Nget married to someone from N
      • vt(oN)get married off to the contextually determinate NCH
      • vtoN.-V[0]N=womanmarry off one's daughter to somebodyDS
      • nabmarriage, the act of getting one marriedCH
      • vtoNreflexive.自informal: cause (oneself) to have good relations with ?????
    • GO TO
      • SELL
        • TRANSFER
          • GRAFT

            Additional information about 嫁

            說文解字: 【嫁】,女適人也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 从女、家聲。 【古訝切】

            • MARRY

              1. The general term for marriage as such is the relatively rare word hūn 婚 and the even rarer hūn yīn 婚 / 昏姻 which refer to marriage in general and not to marriage as seen from the perspective of one of the parties.

              2. The general term for a man marrying a woman is qǔ 娶 (ant. chū 出 "divorce").

              3. The general term for a woman marrying a man is jià 嫁 (No antonym, since women could not seek divorce.).

              4. Guī 歸 refers to a woman leaving her own clan and moving into ther husband's household.

              5. Qì 妻 refers to the convention of giving away a woman in marriage to a man.

              6. Shì 室 refers to the act of establishing a household through taking a wife.

              7. Shì 適 refers to a woman finding a husband (no doubt as a result of a parental decision, but this is not what is focussed on here).

              8. Gòu 媾 refers to double intermarriage between two clans such that a son or daughter of family X marries into family Y, and in addition another marriage is conducted so that another son or daughter from X marries another son or daughter of family Y.

              Word relations
            • Oppos: (MARRY)取 / 娶/MARRY The general term for a man marrying a woman is qǔ 娶 (ant. chū 出 "divorce").
            • Oppos: (MARRY)室/MARRY Shì 室 refers to the act of establishing a household through taking a wife.