Taxonomy of meanings for 嗟:  

  • 嗟 jiē (OC: skal MC: tsia) 子邪切 平 廣韻:【咨也子邪切十二 】
    • LOVE
      • vtoNsigh for (a beloved person)
    • SIGH
      • nabactsighing (in joy); rejoicing
      • vadNsighing; or: causing one to sigh
      • viactsigh, lament
      • vi0exclamatoryalas!
      • vtoNheave a sigh about
    • PRAISE
      • grammaticalised>ALAS
        • padSalasCH
        • ppostadSalasLZ
        • nabautonym"alas"DS
    • 嗟 jiē (OC: skal MC: tsia) 子邪切 平 廣韻:【同嗟 】

      Additional information about 嗟


      • SIGH

        1. The current general word for any kind of sigh or groan is tàn 歎.

        2. Tài xí 太息 refers to sighing not as a sign of distress but of any heightened emotion.

        3. Kuì rán 喟然 refers almost onomatopoetically to the sound of sighing.

        4. Shēn 呻 refers to a slow and drawn-out sigh, according to tradition.

        5. Yín 吟 refers, according to tradition, to a somewhat shorter and more eruptive sigh.

        6. Wǎn 惋 refers to a sigh expressive of distress.

        7. Jiē 嗟 refers typically to a demonstrative sigh (or occasionally even lamentation), but this demonstrative sigh can also signify admiration.

        8. Kài 慨 refers to an intense sigh of heightened emotion of any kind.

        9. Xī xū 欷歔 and the earlier xū xī 歔欷 refer to tearful sighs of distress.