Taxonomy of meanings for 嗜:  

  • 嗜 shì (OC: ɡjis MC: dʑi) 常利切 去 廣韻:【同嗜 】
  • 嗜 shì (OC: ɡjis MC: dʑi) 常利切 去 廣韻:【同嗜 】
  • 嗜 shì (OC: ɡjis MC: dʑi) 常利切 去 廣韻:【嗜慾常利切六 】
    • DESIRE
      • nab.t:+prep+Npsych=shì 嗜 嗜乎 "predilection for N"
      • nabpsych=shì 嗜 craving, strong desire; strong preferences
      • vt+V[0]=shì 嗜 be exceedingly and permanently fond of doing something, be addicted to do something; insist on loving to
      • vtoN=shì 嗜 delight in; be exceedingly and permanently fond of; have a craving for, be addicted to, have a passion for IS THAT THE RIGHT SYN. GROUP; SHOULD THAT NOT BE 'EAGER' OR 'ENJOY'; check attr.
      • vt+prep+N=shì 嗜 have a strong desire for
      • nabpsych=shì 嗜 natural desireCH
      • nab.adVby spontaneous preference of tasteCH
    • LOVE

      Additional information about 嗜

      說文解字: 【嗜】,嗜欲喜之也。从口、耆聲。 【常利切】

      • DESIRE

        1. The dominant standard word is yù 欲 (ant. fú 弗 "refused to, would not") which refers to any concrete - and typically temporary - intention or desire of any kind, irrespective how strongly motivated it is. 欲戰 "wants to fight".

        2. Hào 好 (ant.* yàn 厭 "be fed up with VPing") refers to a general strong, and strongly motivated, inclination in favour of something. 好戰 "is fond of warfare".

        3. Tān 貪 refers to an exaggerated and inapropriate degree of craving something.

        4. Shì 嗜 (ant. wù 惡 "dislike") refers to a stable and deeply ingrained constant desire for something, often a reprehensible craving.

        5. Gān 甘 derives its special force from the culinary meaning "have a taste for" and refers to any predilection, typically for material things.

        6. Shì yù 嗜慾 / 嗜欲 is the abstract technical term for appetitive urges which need to be moderated and kept under control.

        Word relations
      • Object: (DESIRE)酒/LIQUOR
      • Object: (DESIRE)肉/MEAT The current general word for meat as something edible is ròu 肉.
      • Assoc: (DESIRE)欲 / 慾/DESIRE The dominant standard word is yù 欲 (ant. fú 弗 "refused to, would not") which refers to any concrete - and typically temporary - intention or desire of any kind, irrespective how strongly motivated it is. 欲戰 "wants to fight".
      • Synon: (DESIRE)好/DESIRE Hào 好 (ant.* yàn 厭 "be fed up with VPing") refers to a general strong, and strongly motivated, inclination in favour of something. 好戰 "is fond of warfare". xxx