Taxonomy of meanings for 匿:  

  • 匿 nì (OC: nɯɡ MC: ɳɨk) 女力切 入 廣韻:【藏也微也亡也隱也隂姦也女力切六 】
      • vt(oN)conceal the contextually determinate N
      • vt[oN{REFLEX}]reflexivehide away
      • vtoNhide; hide away 
      • vtoNN=placehide in (a place)
      • vtoNpassivebe hidden away
      • vtoNreflexive.自hide (onself)
      • vttoN.+V[0]reflexive.自hide that (oneself) V-s
      • vt[oN{REFLEX}]. prep NCH
      • vt[oN{REFLEX}]. prep Nhide oneself in NCH
      • vttoN1.+N2hide N1 in N2CH
    • FLEE
      • SECRET
        • = 慝

      Additional information about 匿

      說文解字: 【匿】,亡也。从匸、若聲。讀如羊騶箠。 【女力切】

      • CONCEAL

        1. The current general word for hiding anything is yǐn 隱 (ant. xiǎn 顯 "display clearly") which refers to the hiding of anything, physically or intellectually.

        2. Nì 匿 (ant. zhāng 章 / 彰 "make a display of") refers to the physical removal of things so as to make them inaccessible to others.

        3. Cáng 藏 (ant. xiàn 見 ) adds to the notion of hiding that of safe keeping and collecting for use.

        3. Fú 伏 (ant. chū 出 "come into the open") refers prinarily to hiding in a certain terrain.

        4. Cuàn 竄 is incoative and refers to the action of going into hiding.

        5. Yōu 幽 refers primarily to putting or leaving something in the dark and thus by extension to concealing it.

        Word relations
      • Ant: (CONCEAL)泄/LEAK
      • Object: (CONCEAL)私/PRIVATE The dominant current word for privacy is sī 私 (ant. gōng 公 "public"), and the word designates everything that falls outside the responsibility of public administration. Contrast SELFISH.
      • Assoc: (CONCEAL)伏/CONCEAL Fú 伏 (ant. chū 出 "come into the open") refers prinarily to hiding in a certain terrain.
      • Assoc: (CONCEAL)蔽/CONCEAL
      • Synon: (CONCEAL)揜 / 掩 / 奄/COVER Yǎn 掩/揜 is an informal word which focusses on the deliberate act by a human, executed with his hand, which is designed to prevent something from being discovered or from getting in touch with other things.
      • Synon: (CONCEAL)藏 / 藏臧/CONCEAL Cáng 藏 (ant. xiàn 見) adds to the notion of hiding that of safe keeping and collecting for