Additional information about 凋
說文解字: 【凋】,半傷也。从仌、周聲。 【都僚切】
- Criteria
1. The current general word for flourishing or thriving of any kind, abstract or concrete is shèng 盛 (ant. shuāi 衰 "decline").
2. Chāng 昌 and xīng 興 (all ant. wáng 亡 "be ruined"), and lóng 隆 (ant. tì 替 "decline") refer primarily to the flourishing of political institutions and the like.
3. Xí 息, zhí 殖, and fān 蕃 refer specifically to the flourishing of flora and fauna.
4. The literal word for luxuriant growth of plants is mào 茂 (ant. diāo 凋 "dried up").
5. Róng 榮 (ant. kū 枯 "dried up") refers especially to splendid luxuriance of growth as an admirable sight.
6. Fēng 豐 (ant.* wěi 萎 "dried up and thin on the ground") refers to rich thick growth, often as an asset.
7. Fān 蕃 and yù 鬱 (mostly reduplicated yù yù 鬱鬱 ) refer to ample thick growth.
8. Fú shū 扶疏 is a poetic word referring to luxurious growth of plants.
NB: There is a remarkable abundance of terminology in this semantic field, and in many cases the distinctions are less than clear.
1. The current general word for anything drying up or withering down, also anything like fish which because of lack of water starts rotting, is kū 枯 (ant. rùn 潤 "moist and lush" and róng 榮 "flourish and thrive").
2. Gǎo 槁 refers specifically to the withering of plants, or to their withered state. The combination kū gǎo 枯槁 is idiomatic.
3. Wěi 萎 (ant. shèng 盛 "rich and flourishing") refers to plants (and in a transferred usually permanent sense male sexual organs!) shrivilling up and drying out.
4. Diāo 凋 (ant. mào 茂 "be flourishing") refers to whole plants withering and losing their leaves as a result, but the word may also refer to the loss of leaved because of frost.
5. Luò 落 refers abstractly and colourlessly to trees losing their leaves.
6. Líng 零 refers in a more dramatic way to plants other than trees losing their leaves.