Taxonomy of meanings for 冢:  

  • 冢 zhǒng (OC: toŋʔ MC: ʈioŋ) 知隴切 上 廣韻:【大也周禮天官冢宰説文曰髙墳也釋名曰冢腫也象山頂之髙腫起知隴切二 】
    • TOMB
      • ntomb with a mound with trees planted on it; tomb mound
      • npost-NN's tombDS
      • n(post-N)tomb of the contextually determinate NDS
    • SUMMIT
      • GREAT
        • vadNDZD 5 distinguished; greatCH
      • GOVERN
        • DESCENDANT

          Additional information about 冢


          • TOMB

            1. The current general old word for a tomb of any kind with or without planted trees or a mound is mù 墓, and the term comes to refer specifically to the subterranean part of the tomb.

            2. Fén 墳 refers to the visible part of the tomb in the shape of a sizeable tumulus typically planted with trees.

            3. Qiū 丘 "tumulus" is an old way of referring to a tomb with special reference to its appearance above ground, and the suggestion is that it is of considerable size suitable for leading personalities.

            4. Lǒng 壟 refers to a tomb with special reference to its appearance above ground as an imposing tumulus, but the reference is not normally to a ruler's tomb.

            5. Zhǒng 冢 was occasionally used in Warring States times but became more current in Han times, and the word refers to an impressive tomb as a whole, including its subterraneous and its visible parts.

            6. Yíng 塋 refers generally to the piece of land with the tomb on it.

            7. Líng 陵 refers specifically to an imperial tomb compound with high tombs, surrounding parks, and surrounding tombs for close relatives, queen, brothers, and sisters.

            8. Shān 山 can come to refer to an imperial tomb.

            9. Xuè 穴 "cave" is occasionally used to refer to the underground part of a tomb.