Taxonomy of meanings for 偉:  

  • 偉 wěi (OC: ɢulʔ MC: ɦʷɨi) 于鬼切 上 廣韻:【大也 】
    • ADMIRE
      • vtoNputativeHANSHU, Dongfang Shuo zhuan: admire as outstanding
    • BIG
      • vibe huge, gigantic; great[is only used metaphorically; should be maybe moved to GREAT or EXCELLENT][CA]
    • GREAT
      • vadNtremendous; extraordinary
      • viZHUANG: immense, tremendous, extraordinary
      • vadNstrange, outrageous

      Additional information about 偉

      說文解字: 【偉】,奇也。从人、韋聲。 【于鬼切】

      • GREAT

        1. The most general word for awe-inspiring greatness and significance is wěi 偉 (ant. 眇 / 渺 "trifling").

        2. Dà 大 (ant. xiǎo 小 "insignificant") is often used to refer to generally recognised awe-inspiring status (for example of a king etc) rather than mere size.

        3. Hóng 弘 and jù 巨 (ant. xì 細 ) are stylistically marked strong words to use for the greatness of something. See IMPORTANT

        4. Hóng 鴻 refers to greatness as essentially linked to immense size.

        5 Kǒng 孔 is an archaic word referring to immensity, numerousness as well as remarkable intensity of something.

        Word relations
      • Synon: (STRANGE)奇/STRANGE Qí 奇 (ant. fán 凡 "perfectly ordinary") refers to the positive quality of being remarkable and unusual.