Taxonomy of meanings for 小人:  

  • YOU
    • NP[post=npro_2]you
    • ncclesser charges in the army
    • NPnonreferentialperson of low social status or moral quality, petty man
    • NPpluralperson of ordinary low status, close to 庶人
    • VPisocialbelong the the lower classes; be of ordinary calibre 小人哉!
    • NP{PRED}be just an ordinary person; be morally petty
    • NPabconceptthe concept of a petty person
    • NPindefinitean ordinary person
    • NPpost-V{NUM}ordinary people
    • NPabconceptbeing a gentlemanCH
    • NPmoralmorally inferior person (not necessarily of low status): petty manCH
  • BAD
    • NPnonreferentialpetty person, person of deficient moral character
    • NPadNmoralpetty, characteristic of a petty person
    • VPimoralbe petty
    • NP{PRED}be a despicable petty person
    • NPindefinitepetty people
    • NPindefinitepetty person
    • NPdefinitethe petty people (often quantified: all)
    • NPabconceptthe concept of a petty man; being a petty man
    • NPimmoralmalicious or immoral petty personCH
  • EGO
    • NP[post=npro1]I, little man