  • PLACEPART of SPACE that THINGS BE-IN:are-in.
      • OBJECT[NO HYPERNYM.] WHAT one CAN NAME:refer to.
See also
  • BE INRELATION between a THING AND what that THING FILLS OR PART:partially FILLS.
    Old Chinese Criteria
    1. The current general word for the inside of three-dimensional objects as opposed to what is outside them is nèi 內 (ant. wài 外 ), but this word is sometimes used to refer quite generally to the insides territories and the like. There are no degrees of neì 內 : things are either inside or outside.

    2. Zhōng 中 (ant. e.g. pàn 畔 "the margins"(!) cf. 江中 versus 江畔 ) typically refers to the centre of a domain and contrasts with the margins or what lies just outside that domain. There are degrees of zhōng 中 : some things may be more central, closer to the core, than others. Note that 中國 does not contrast with 外國 but with ZHOULI 遠國 or occasionally jué guó 絕國. Ancient China did not recognise foreign "states".

    3. Lǐ 裡 (ant. biǎo 表 ) is rare and refers in a rather abstract way to what is inward rather than mereley outward.

    4. Yāng 央 is only occasionally used to refer to the centre and is most current in the ubiquitous combination 中央 "central; the centre".

    Modern Chinese Criteria














    rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

    Old Chinese Contrasts
    Nèi 內 thus refers to the inner versus the outer ( 內臟 not 中臟 ), but note that we do have nèi xīn 內心 "the heart which is inside the body, the inner heart" as well as zhōng xīn 中心 "what is inside the heart, the core of one's heart, one's innermost heart" cf. also 中道 "mid-way". Wài yè 內業 is concerned with what is in one's three-dimenional body, not what is in the yè 業. Zhōng yè 中夜 is the middle of the yè 夜, not the yè 夜 which is in the middle of something.

    • 論衡同義詞研究 ( LUNHENG TONGYI 2004) p. 16

    • 東漢﹣隨常用詞演變研究 ( WANG WEIHUI 2000) p. 93

    • 古辭辨 Gu ci bian ( WANG FENGYANG 1993) p. 16

    • Using Chinese Synonyms ( GRACE ZHANG 2010) p. 263



    • Handbook of Greek Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. Pillon, Librarian of the Bibliothèque Royale , at Paris, and one of the editors of the new edition of Plaché's Dictionnaire Grec-Français, edited, with notes, by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. Rector of Lyndon, and late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ( PILLON 1850) p. no.211

    Attributions by syntactic funtion

    • npost-N : 85
    • nadV : 16
    • n(post-N) : 15
    • n : 15
    • nadN : 10
    • vadV : 9
    • npost-.N+ZHI : 9
    • vadN : 8
    • vi : 7
    • NP{N1=N2} : 5
    • n{PLACE}adV : 4
    • npost-N1.adN2 : 3
    • vtoN : 3
    • NPadN : 2
    • n{PRED}.post-N+ZHI : 2
    • n-N : 2
    • nadS : 2
    • vt(oN) : 1
    • n(post-N1.)[adN2] : 1
    • vt+prep+N : 1
    • nab : 1
    • vt prep V : 1
    • npost-N : 1
    • NP : 1
    • n[post-N] : 1
    • vttoN1.+prep+N2 : 1
    • NPpro.postVt : 1

    Attributions by text

    • 韓非子 : 26
    • 論語 : 18
    • 孟子 : 15
    • 臨濟錄 : 14
    • 祖堂集 : 14
    • 說苑 : 13
    • 荀子 : 12
    • 春秋左傳 : 11
    • 阮籍集四卷 : 11
    • 百喻經 : 11
    • 淮南子 : 9
    • 莊子 : 8
    • 搜神記 : 6
    • 史記 : 4
    • 賢愚經 : 4
    • 六祖壇經 : 3
    • 禮記 : 2
    • 劉義慶世說新語 : 2
    • 呂氏春秋 : 2
    • 孫子 : 2
    • 春秋穀梁傳 : 2
    • 戰國策 : 2
    • 楚辭 : 2
    • 文子 : 2
    • 古列女傳 : 2
    • 陸機集十一卷 : 1
    • 公孫龍子 : 1
    • 記纂淵海 : 1
    • 孝經 : 1
    • 王羲之集二卷 : 1
    • 管子 : 1
    • 周易 : 1
    • 法言 : 1
    • 五行 : 1
    • 郭店楚簡語叢一 : 1


      zhōng OC: krluŋ MC: ʈuŋ 91 AttributionsWD

    Zhōng 中 (ant. e.g. pàn 畔 "the margins"(!), cf. 江中 versus 江畔) typically refers to the centre of a domain and contrasts with the margins or what lies just outside that domain. There are degrees of zhōng 中: some things may be more central, closer to the core, than others. Note that 中國 does not contrast with 外國 but with ZHOULI 遠國 or occasionally jué guó 絕國. Ancient China did not recognise foreign "states".

      Word relations
    • Ant: 外/OUTSIDE The dominant word for outside is wài 外, a word with great semantic and syntactic flexibility.
    • Assoc: 央/INSIDE Yāng 央 is only occasionally used to refer to the centre and is most current in the ubiquitous combination 中央 "central; the centre".

      Syntactic words
    • n(post-N)the inside of the contextually determinate N
    • n(post-N)placecentre; middle; the inside
    • n-Nin N (中山, 中野, 中國 etc.)LZ
    • n[post-N]one's ownone's insideCH
    • nabfigurativepsychological inside (of a person etc)
    • nadNmiddle; innermost; inner; under-(wear); inside
    • nadNfigurativeinnermost (feelings etc)
    • nadVinside, in one's heart, in one's mind; in my mind
    • npost-.N+ZHIinside of N
    • npost-.N1+N2in N1 and N2
    • npost-Ninside of NCH
    • npost-Nthe inside of NDS
    • npost-N1.adN2inside
    • npost-Nconcrete physicalthe inside of, in
    • npost-Nfigurativeinside, within N (with abstract nouns)
    • npost-Nplaceinside, in the middle of N 其中x
    • npost-Npostpositionin; inside
    • n{PLACE}adVin the middle, at the centre; on the inside
    • n{PRED}.post-N+ZHIfigurativeto be within the limits of NLZ
    • vibe in the centre
    • vt prep Vhave one's middle or central part in V-ingLZ
    • vt+prep+Nhave one's middle or central part in N
    • vtoNplace oneself in the middle of (a gate)
      nèi OC: nuubs MC: nuo̝i 58 AttributionsWD

    The current general word for the inside of three-dimensional objects as opposed to what is outside them is nèi 內 (ant. wài 外), but this word is sometimes used to refer quite generally to the insides territories and the like. There are no degrees of neì 內: things are either inside or outside.

      Word relations
    • Ant: 外/OUTSIDE The dominant word for outside is wài 外, a word with great semantic and syntactic flexibility.

      Syntactic words
    • n(post-N)SHI, the inside; the inner chambers; ZUO: those inside; Inside the State
    • nadNfigurativeinner
    • nadSin privacy; as for the situation within the family
    • nadVfigurativeon the inside; inwardly, i.e. psychologically
    • nfigurativewhat is psychologically inside
    • nplurthose on the inside; those inside one's clan
    • npost-Nthe inside of N; the inner parts of N; within N
    • npost-Nfigurativethe inside
    • npost-Nplaceinside; psychologically: inside, inward; often with 之inserted
    • nsubj=nonhumanWHAT IS INSIDE> internal situation
    • vadNwithin the family, within the household: private; within the state: internal; within the court; inner
    • vadNfigurativeinner, inward (as opposed to outer, outward, merely external and physical)
    • vadVinternally; within the court; within the home; on the inside; directed towards the inside
    • vibe internal
    • vttoN1.+prep+N2causativecause a N1 to be placed inside N2 > put N1 inside N2
      nà OC: nuub MC: nəp
      nèi OC: nuubs MC: nuo̝i 20 AttributionsWD

      Word relations
    • Ant: 外/OUTSIDE The dominant word for outside is wài 外, a word with great semantic and syntactic flexibility.
    • Oppos: 色/APPEARANCE Sè 色 (ant. xīn 心 "real inner feelings") is external appearance, particular facial expression, expressive of or productive of feeling. Thus hǎo sè 好色 is the kind of appearance which, being attractive, causes men to feel attracted. Hào sè 好色 "love beautiful women" involves a different meaning of the word: "female beauty; sex". [SIGNIFICANT+], [VOLUNTARY!]

      Syntactic words
    • n(post-N)the inside of the contextually determinate NCH
    • n(post-N1.)[adN2]something outside the contextually determinate N1CH
    • nadVinternally; on the insideTWH
    • npost-.N ZHIinside of NCH
    • npost-Nindefiniteall within NVK
    • vt(oN)philosophicalbe internal to the mind ; be endogenic (and not an external matter/exogenic)CH
    • vtoNcausativecause to be inside> keep inside (and not let someone go)
      Click here to add pinyin OC:  MC: 16 AttributionsWD

    Lǐ 裡 (ant. biǎo 表) is rare and refers in a rather abstract way to what is inward rather than mereley outward.

      Word relations
    • Ant: 表/OUTSIDE Biǎo 表 refers to the outside of something as surface part of what it is the outside of.
    • Ant: 外/OUTSIDE The dominant word for outside is wài 外, a word with great semantic and syntactic flexibility.

      Syntactic words
    • nthe inside (versus biǎo 表)
    • npost-Ninside of N
    • npost-Nfigurativeinside of N (N=abstract)
    中央  zhōng yāng OC: krluŋ qaŋ MC: ʈuŋ ʔi̯ɐŋ 8 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPadNcentral
    • NPfigurativecenter
    • NPfigurativethe in-between realm
      jiān OC: kreen MC: kɣɛn 6 AttributionsWD

    Yú 於 "in, at" can sometimes come to be used in an extended figurative meaning "among". [[RARE]]; [vtpostV]

      Syntactic words
    • npost-Nplaceinside; among 之間
      rù OC: njub MC: ȵip 3 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • nabeventin internal affairs
    • vadVinside
    • vt+prep+Nfigurativefall within the range of NLZ
    • vtoNget inside of NDS
      jiān MC: kean OC: kreen 2 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • npost-.N+ZHI= jian1 間: in, within, inside of NLZ
      shàng OC: ɡljaŋs MC: dʑi̯ɐŋ 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • npost-N(abstractly) inside
      lǐ OC: ɡ-rɯʔ MC: lɨ 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • nthe inside
      xǔ OC: hŋaʔ MC: hi̯ɤ 1 AttributionWD

    lǐ xǔ

      Syntactic words
    • NPpro.postVtinside
      yāng OC: qaŋ MC: ʔi̯ɐŋ 0 AttributionsWD

    Yāng 央 is only occasionally used to refer to the centre and is most current in the ubiquitous combination 中央 "central; the centre".

      Word relations
    • Assoc: 中/INSIDE Zhōng 中 (ant. e.g. pàn 畔 "the margins"(!), cf. 江中 versus 江畔) typically refers to the centre of a domain and contrasts with the margins or what lies just outside that domain. There are degrees of zhōng 中: some things may be more central, closer to the core, than others. Note that 中國 does not contrast with 外國 but with ZHOULI 遠國 or occasionally jué guó 絕國. Ancient China did not recognise foreign "states".

      Syntactic words
    • nthe centre

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