Taxonomy of meanings for 麾:  

  • 麾 huī (OC: hmral MC: hʷɯiɛ) 許為切 平 廣韻:【説文曰旌旗所以指𪎮也亦作麾許爲切六 】
  • 麾 huī (OC: hmral MC: hʷɯiɛ) 許為切 平 廣韻:【同𪎮 】
    • BANNER
      • nsignal flag used by senior generals in military campaigns [similar to the previous, but smaller: SUN 1991: 152; ill.: SUN 1991: 38-7, 8] [JM]
      • vt[oN]give commands by signaling
      • vtoNgive a signal to; command through signals; hold overall command of (an army)
      • vadVby signals of the hand; by getures of commandCH
      • vtoNwave at; wave so as to give a signal to someone (to go away); wave away.
    • HAPPY

      Additional information about 麾


      • COMMAND

        1. The standard current word for a command is lìng 令, and the content (not the words) of the command is typically in the sentence that follows. We do not find: 令曰, and it is significant that lìng 令 also regularly means "to cause to".

        2. Mìng 命 is typically an order from a person of high, perhaps even supernatural, authority, and what follows are often the words used to express the order. 命曰. Mìng 命 is an order on a higher level than lìng 令.

        3. Shǐ 使 often refers to a superior getting or sending subordinates to do something by an order, but this word never focusses on the form of words used. See SEND, CAUSE TO

        4. Zhì 制 is a formalised administrative instruction on procedure.

        5. Huī 麾 is an order given prototypically by signal of the hand, and in the process of a battle.

        6. Hào 號 is a publicly proclaimed political command or instruction.

        7. Wèi 謂 is simply a way of telling someone to do something, informally or formally, but without the formal force of a rigid order.

        8. Chì 敕 / 飭 is an order from a person in an elevated position, and in post-Buddhist times chì 敕 came to refer standardly to imperial orders.