Taxonomy of meanings for 侮:  

  • 侮 wǔ (OC: moʔ MC: mio) 文甫切 上 廣韻:【侮慢也侵也輕也 】
      • nabactpassive: humiliation
      • vt+prep+Nto treat someone with disrespect
      • vtoNtreat in a humiliating way, typically publicly
      • vtoNN=personhumiliate and insult; treat with disrespect
      • vtoNcausativecause others to be impolite to (oneself)
      • nabactlack of polite diligence
      • vadNlacking in polite respect
      • vt[oN]be impolite
      • vtoNtreat impolitely; fail to show due respect towards
      • vtoNpassivebe treated with insufficient respect
      • vibe rudeCH
    • SHAME
      • vifeel objectively humiliated and insulted
      • nabsocialpublic disgrace, shame
      • vtoNoppressTWH

    Additional information about 侮

    說文解字: 【侮】,傷也。从人、每聲。 【文甫切】 【㑄】、古文从母。


      1. The standard word for public impoliteness is wǔ 侮 which enters surprisingly often into descriptive and perhaps intensitive binomes.

      2. The current philosophically explicit phrase is wú lǐ 無禮


      1. The general word for personally and demonstratively humiliating and insulting a person is wǔ 侮 (ant. lǐ 禮 "treat politely, show proper politeness towards").

      2. Rǔ 辱 stresses in the notion of humiliating insult that of demonstratively inflicting a lasting public disgrace.

      3. Xiū 羞 is occasionally used to refer to reducing someone to personal and intimate feelings of personal shame.

      Word relations
    • Ant: (HUMILIATE)畏/RESPECT Wèi 畏 (ant. xiá 狎 "treat without the proper respect due to someone in high position, treat with improper familiarity") refers to awe-struck respect for a person in authority.