Taxonomy of meanings for 柴:  

  • 柴 chái (OC: dzree MC: dʐɯæ) 士佳切 平 廣韻:【薪也又姓髙柴之後士佳切八 】
  • cháiSTICK
    • nstick with branches removed; polished poleCH

Additional information about 柴

說文解字: 【柴】,小木散材。从木、此聲。 【臣鉉等曰:師行野次,豎散木爲區落,名曰柴籬。後人語譌,轉入去聲,又別作寨字,非是。】 【士佳切】


    1. The current general word for firewood is xīn 薪 and specifically the word refers to thick branches that can perhaps be used for making logs.

    2. Ráo 蕘 refers to hey and straw used for burning.

    3. Qiáo 樵 refers to largish branches cut up and used for firewood.

    4. Chái 柴 refers to firewood, specifically cut into smaller pieces than xīn 薪, and the word came to the current general word.