Taxonomy of meanings for 鼻:  

  • 鼻 bí (OC: bids MC: bi) 毗至切 去 廣韻:【説文曰引气自卑也毗至切十 】

    Additional information about 鼻

    說文解字: 【鼻】,引气自(𢌿)[畀]也。从自、(𢌿)[畀]。 〔小徐本作「從自、從畀。」〕 凡鼻之屬皆从鼻。 【父二切】

    • NOSE

      1. The standard word for the nose of both animals like pigs and bovines and humans is bí 鼻.

      Word relations
    • Assoc: (NOSE)口/MOUTH The standard word for the mouth is kǒu 口.