Taxonomy of meanings for 韋:  

  • 韋 wéi (OC: ɢul MC: ɦʷɨi) 雨非切 平 廣韻:【柔皮也又姓出自顓頊大彭之後夏封於豕韋苗裔以國爲氏因家彭城至楚太傅韋孟遷于魯孟玄孫賢爲漢丞相始遷京兆之杜陵也 】

    Additional information about 韋

    說文解字: 【韋】,相背也。从舛、囗聲。獸皮之韋可以束枉戾相韋背,故借以爲皮韋。凡韋之屬皆从韋。 【宇非切】 【𣍄】,古文韋。


      1. The general word for leather or hide with fur removed is gé 革.

      2. Wéi 韋 refers to softened leather.

      3. Kuò 鞹 refers very specifically to the the leather of animals after all fur has been removed.