Taxonomy of meanings for 邁:  

  • 邁 mài (OC: mbraads MC: mɯai) 莫話切 去 廣韻:【行也逺也莫話切四 】
    • GO TO
      • viactSHI: set out on a long journey or formal expedition; SHI 114: (of time) to pass
    • WALK
      • vimove forward

    Additional information about 邁

    說文解字: 【邁】,遠行也。从辵、蠆省聲。 〔小徐本作「萬聲」。〕 【莫話切】 【𨙚】,邁或不省。 〔小徐本作「邁或從蠆。」〕

    • WALK

      1. The current general word for walking is xíng 行 (ant. zhǐ 止 "stay put").

      2. Bù 步 (ant. zǒu 走 "run fast") refers to dignified slow pacing along.

      3. Mài 邁 refers to walking or (sometimes even with abstract subjects like time) moving forward.

      4. Jiàn 踐 focusses on the physical aspect of walking as stepping on something or walking across something.