Taxonomy of meanings for 遏:  

  • 遏 è (OC: qaad MC: ʔɑt) 烏葛切 入 廣韻:【遮也絶也止也烏葛切十一 】

    Additional information about 遏

    說文解字: 【遏】,微止也。从辵、曷聲。讀若桑蟲之蝎。 【烏割切】

    • FORBID

      1. The current dominant general word referring to public prohibition is jìn 禁 (ant. quàn 勸 "encourage").

      2. Yù 御 / 禦 (ant. sòng yǒng 慫恿 "leave free to do what one wants") refers to putting an end to practice by authority, but not necessarily through formal public prohibition of the practice.

      3. È 遏 refers more narrowly to putting a legal stop to the further development of something.