Taxonomy of meanings for 豬:  

  • 豬 zhū (OC: k-la MC: ʈiɔ) 陟魚切 平 廣韻:【爾雅曰豕子豬陟魚切六 】
    • PIG
      • nyoung pig; pig
    • = 瀦
  • 豬 zhū (OC: ta MC: ʈiɔ) 陟魚切 平 廣韻:【俗豬 】
  • 豬 zhū (OC: ta MC: ʈiɔ) 陟魚切 平 廣韻:【同豬 】

    Additional information about 豬

    說文解字: 【豬】,豕而三毛叢居者。从豕、者聲。 【陟魚切】

    • PIG

      1. The most general word for a wild boar and a domestic pig of any kind is shǐ 豕.

      2. Zhì 彘 is the standard old word for the domestic pig.

      3. Zhū 豬 is rare in ancient texts and tends to cooccur with other words for "pig" and would appear to be a colloquialism.

      4. Tún 豚 refers to a piglet.

      5. Fén 豶 refers to a castrated pig.

      5. Xī 狶/豨 is a rare specific term for a wild boar.