Taxonomy of meanings for 誰:  

  • shuí (OC: ɡljul MC: dʑʷi) 視隹切 平 廣韻:【何也視隹切三 】
    • WHO
      • npro.adNwhose 誰家,誰之過
      • npro.postVtwho 為誰
      • npro{SUBJ}+V{PRED}reference=subjectsubject question word: who
      • npro{SUBJ}+V{PRED}expected answer: no!who? i.e. no one!
      • npro+V.postVtindirect-speechwho
      • v>nproabpredicate不知其誰 “did not know who thaat was": predicate noun question word: who
      • vpropredicatewhoever? i.e. no one! 非x而誰?
      • viknow who is who
      • of the Ns
      • npro{SUBJ}+V{PRED}rhetorical questionwho?
      • nprowho (on earth)CH
      • npro.postVt:adV[0]whomCH
      • NPpro{PRED}who? 晉書:小人啊誰?
      • NPprowho? TT: 啊誰要你夫妻?
      • object> WHOM
        • npro:+Npro{OBJ}.+Vt誰之思 "of whom do I think"
        • npro.postVtwhom
        • npro{OBJ}+Vt.adVtwhom (before coverb introducing object)
        • npro{OBJ}+Vtobject question word: whom
        • npro{OBJ}+Vtexpected answer: no!rhetorical: whom
        • npro{PIVOT}+VttoV.+VtoNwhomDS
      • quantifier> SOME
        • npro.adV:adSwhoever; if anyone

    Additional information about 誰

    說文解字: 【誰】,何也。从言、隹聲。 【示隹切】