Taxonomy of meanings for 虹:  

  • 虹 gòng (OC: kooŋs MC: kuŋ) 古送切 去 廣韻:【縣名在泗州今音絳 】
  • 虹 hóng (OC: ɡooŋ MC: ɦuŋ) 戸戶公切 平 廣韻:【螮蝀也又古巷切 】
  • 虹 jiàng (OC: krooŋs MC: kɯɔŋ) 古巷切 去 廣韻:【又音紅 】

    Additional information about 虹

    說文解字: 【虹】,螮蝀也,狀似蟲。从虫、工聲。《明堂月令》曰:虹始見。 【戶工切】 【𧌫()】、籒文虹从申。申,電也。


      1. The general word for rainbow is hóng 虹, and the word refers specifically to the rainbow itself as opposed to the faded colours manifesting themselves around the rainbow.

      2. Ní 霓 refers to the faded colours around the rainbow.

      3. Dì dō4ng 螮蝀 is an archaic poetic way of referring to the rainbow.

    • CLOUD

      1. The current general word for a cloud is yún 雲.

      2. Xiāo 霄 refers in an elevated style to high thin clouds, and the word is fairly rare.

      3. Xiá 霞 refers to misty, rosy-coloured clouds.

      4. Yùn 暈 refers to the halo round sun or moon which can occur when certain cloud formations surround the sun or moon, a phenomenon which attracted particular attention Shang dynasty astronomers.

      5. Bái hóng 白虹 refers to the palish rainbow-like structure which sometimes accompanies the halo round the moon or the sun.