Taxonomy of meanings for 葉:  

  • 葉 yè (OC: leb MC: jiɛp) 與涉切 入 廣韻:【枝葉又姓吳志孫堅傳有都尉葉雄與渉切又式涉切十 】
    • LEAF
      • n.redpluralall the leaves
      • nleaf of a plant 一葉
      • nfigurativeleaf > descendent, successor
      • nmadNmade of leaves
      • n(post-N)pluralthe leaves of a contextually determinate plant/treeCH
      • npost-Nleaves ofIH
      • figurative> DESCENDANT
        • nmoffspring; descendantsCH
      • similar> PAGE
    • 葉 shè (OC: lʰeb MC: ɕiɛp) 書涉切 入 廣韻:【縣名在汝州又余涉切 】
      • CITIES
        • nprShe4, name of a Chu3 cityLZ

      Additional information about 葉

      說文解字: 【葉】,艸木之葉也。从艸、枼聲。 【与涉切】

      • LEAF

        1. The current general word for a leaf is yè 葉.