Taxonomy of meanings for 粹:  

  • 粹 cuì (OC: squds MC: sʷi) 雖遂切 去 廣韻:【易曰純粹精也 】
      • vibe selected and unadulterated, exquisite
    • PURE
      • vipure and unadulterated
      • nabfigurativeunadulterated purityCH
    • = 碎
    • = 萃

    Additional information about 粹

    說文解字: 【粹】,不雜也。从米、卒聲。 【雖遂切】

    • MIXED

      1. The current word for anything not unified or mixed is zá 雜 (ant. cuì 粹 "pure").

      2. Rǒu 糅 refers to an indistinguishable mixture of things, mostly in a negative sense.

      3. Bó 駁 sometimes refers figurativelyj to something as having varying and not properly constant features.