Taxonomy of meanings for 盟:  

  • 盟 mèng (OC: mraaŋs MC: mɯaŋ) 莫更切 去 廣韻:【盟津又音明 】
  • 盟 méng (OC: mraŋ MC: mɯiaŋ) 武兵切 平 廣韻:【同盟 】
  • 盟 méng (OC: mraŋ MC: mɯiaŋ) 武兵切 平 廣韻:【盟約殺牲歃血也周禮有司盟 】
      • nabactthe swearing of oaths of typically interstate allegiance confirmed by blood sacrifice
      • nabtextformal diplomatic written and ritual agreement, oath of allegiance covenant; pact
      • vi2swear blood oath (of allegiance etc.); make a covenant; join a pact; make a treaty
      • vi2post.N1+N2X and Y entered a formal contract by swearing an oath
      • vtoNswear f formal oath of allegiance with
      • vtoNpreposed objectswear a formal oath of allegiance with
      • vtpost-.VtoNswear a formal oath of allegiance (of several subjects)
      • vtoN{PLUR}make a contract with
      • vt+prep+Nmake a contract confirmed by a blood oath (e.g. with the Yellow River as the contractor)
      • nabact(private) contract
      • vt1post.vt2oN1: prep N2N2=placemake an agreement with somebody at N2DS
      • vigeneral, actswear blood oaths, practise the swearing of blood oathsCH
    • FRIEND

        Additional information about 盟


        • ALLIANCE

          SEE CONTRACT 1. Méng 盟 are between feudal lords, shì 誓 can be between any respectable private individuals.

          2. Méng 盟 involves the blood of sacrificial domestic animals, shì 誓 does not normally involve the use of sacrificial animals..

          3. Méng 盟 involves invocation through the blood of sacrificial animals, and it is typically in red writing, while shì 誓 is by the use of invocation of the spirits through words only, inviting the gods to punish those who break the oath. Occasionally this can be accompanied by casting a jade object into the river.

          4. Shì 誓 can be an oath sworn by one individual, whereas méng 盟 is always a covenant between different parties. See CONTRACT.

          Zhan Jinsen 1991

        • REPEAT

          1. The current word for repetition is fù 復.

          2. Xún 尋 occasionally refers to the reverting to a former state, or to seeking to renew that former state, typically an alliance méng 盟.

          3. Zài 再 is primarily to do something twice, but the word can also refer to an action being performed for a second time.

        • CONTRACT

          1. The current general word for a contract of any kind is yuē 約.

          2. Méng 盟 refers to a momentous formal (typically written) contract or oath of allegiance betwen feudal lords confirmed by ritual blood sacrifice, although such oaths could occasionally be taken by humble individuals (bī rén 卑人 "persons of low status") in which case the day of the ritual was not recorded.

          3. Shì 誓 is sometimes used in ancient texts to refer to a sworn covenant between individuals, but the word also refers to a personal oath. See OATH.

          4. Quàn 券 and the somewhat more archaic qì 契 refers to the physical object which constitutes the written version of a contract or an agreement. See TALLY.

          Word relations
        • Contrast: (CONTRACT)誓 / 逝 / 矢/OATH The general word for an oath of any kind, binding individuals, families or states by word of honour is shì 誓.
        • Assoc: (CONTRACT)誓/CONTRACT Shì 誓 is sometimes used in ancient texts to refer to a sworn covenant between individuals, but the word also refers to a personal oath. See OATH.