Taxonomy of meanings for 濕:  

  • 濕 shī (OC: qhljɯb MC: ɕip) 失入切 入 廣韻:【水霑也失入切三 】
    • MOIST
      • nsubjectsomething that is moist
      • nabstativemoisture; humidity
      • vibe moist; be humid; be damp
      • vadNmoist; humid
      • vichangebecome moist and humid
      • nmoisture
      • nabfeaturemoistness
      • nmsubj=nonhumanwhat is (most) moist
      • vadVin damp places; exposed to moisture
      • vibe damp; moist; wet
      • vi0it is damp
    • SLOW
      • ILLNESS
        • = 隰
      • 濕 tà (OC: kh-lɯɯb MC: tʰəp) 他合切 入 廣韻:【同漯 】
      • 濕 shī (OC: qhljɯb MC: ɕip) 失入切 入 廣韻:【同溼見經典又他合切 】

        Additional information about 濕


        • DRY

          1. The common general term for dryness is zào 燥 (ant. shī 濕 "wet").

          2. Gǎo 槁 and kū 枯 (ant. rùn 潤 "lush") are common words referring specifically to dryness of trees and sometimes other plants.

          3. Hé/hào 涸 (ant. mǎn 滿 "full of water") views dryness as the result of a process of dissication.

          4. Gān 乾 (ant. shī 濕 "wet") focusses on the striking and complete absence of liquid.

          5. Jié 渴 merely emphasises insufficient water supply or exhaustion of water supplies.

          6. Jiāo 焦 adds to the notion of dryness that of exceesive heat.


        • MOIST

          1. Shī 濕 refers to wetness as a property of surface or of the whole object.

          2. The current common word is rú 濡, and this word refers to being wet through and through.

          3. Zhān 沾 / 霑 refers to moistening by rain.

          4. Rùn 潤 refers to things that are mildly moistened (and look glossy).

          5. Jiàn 漸 refers to things getting gradually moistened.

          6. Wò 渥 is a poetic referring to something being wet on the outside.

          7. Jìn 浸 refers to water seeping into something so as to make it moist, and the word focusses not on something getting wet, but on the water seeping into it. The word is thus marginal in the group.

          Word relations
        • Ant: (MOIST)燥/DRY The common general term for dryness is zào 燥 (ant. shī 濕 "wet").