Taxonomy of meanings for 斜:  

  • 斜 xié (OC: sɢlja MC: zia) 似嗟切 平 廣韻:【不正也似嗟切四 】
  • 斜 yé (OC: la MC: jia) 以遮切 平 廣韻:【斜谷在武功西南入谷百里而至説文杼也又似嗟切 】
  • 斜 xié (OC: lja MC: zia) 似嗟切 平 廣韻:【同衺 】
    • SLANT
      • vipost-Han: slanted "askance"
      • vichangetilt to one side
      • vadNSUWEN tilted
      • nabmathematical termCHEMLA 2003: neither horizontal nor vertical straight line or plane. The word is also used to refer to the hypotenuse. JZ 4.24, Liu Hui's comm: 大弦則中立方之長邪,邪即丸徑也 "The larger hypotenuse being then the longer diagonal of the inscribed cube, the diagonal is hence the diameter of the sphere."
      • vadNmathematical termCHEMLA 2003: (of planes or lines:) in a non-horizontal and non-vertical direction. The word is the antonym both of zhèng 正 "straight/upright" and píng 平 "plane". See also 邪田. JZ 5.15, Liu Hui's comm: 邪解 "disect (a geometrical solid) in a neither horizontal nor vertical direction"
      • VPadVslanting, in a tilted position
        • SLOPE
          • POLITE
            • SURNAMES
              • = 邪

              Additional information about 斜

              說文解字: 【斜】,杼也。从斗、余聲。讀若荼。 【似嗟切】

              • FLAT

                1. The general word for flatness of any kind is píng 平 (ant. qīng 傾 "slanted downwards on one side" and perhaps xié 斜 "sloping") and it refers to anything which is horizontal and lacks inclination.

                2. Yí 夷 (ant. xiǎn 險 "precarious or difficult of access (of terrain)" and yì 易 mostly refers to terrain and its accessibility through lack of geographical impediments.

                3. Tǎn 坦 (dǒu 陡 "steep") has no special pragmatic connotations and simply refers to the objective property of a an area without noticeable elevations.

              • STRAIGHT

                1. The current general word for something concrete or abstract being straight in any abstract or concrete way is zhí 直 (ant. wān 彎 "bent")

                2. Zhèng 正 (ant. qǔ 曲 "bent") refers to straightness as the desirable state of something.

                3. Duān 端 (ant. xié 斜 "slanted") and zhēn 貞 (ant. xié 邪 "morally warped") refer to straightness and non-crookedness, often as a property of abstract things.

                4. Gěng 鯁 (ant. qū 屈 "bent") is a rare word referring to straightness in speech or straightness in small objects.

              • SLANT

                1. Probably the most current general word referring to tilting to one side is qǐng 傾 (ant. zhèng 正 "straight and level") which can freely refer to tilted bottles, geological formations etc.

                2. Piān 偏 "onesided" (ant. zhèng 正 "straight and level") typically refers to abstract imbalance.

                3. Xié 斜 (ant. zhèng 正 "straight and level") refers to any concrete object or movement being neither upright nor horizontal, and the word is first attested in HUANGDINEIJING.

                4. Zè 仄 (ant. píng 平 "level") refers specifically to the sun being in a less than perpendicular position vis-a-vis the observer.

                5. Dǒu 陡 (ant. píng 平 "level") refers specifically to the slanted nature of terrain.