Taxonomy of meanings for 惆:  

  • 惆 chóu (OC: thɯw MC: ʈʰiu) 丑鳩切 平 廣韻:【惆悵 】
    • SAD
      • vi.redpoeticbe sad, melancholic, be full of regrets
    • 惆 qiū (OC: thɯw MC: kʰiu) 去秋切 平 廣韻:【同𠁫 】

      Additional information about 惆

      說文解字: 【惆】,失意也。从心、周聲。 【敕鳩切】

        Word relations
      • Assoc: (SAD)悵/ANGUISH Chàng 悵 (ant. xīn rán 欣然 "be pleased with oneself") is poetic and intensely personal without being directed at any particular person, and involves a strong element of despondency. [INTENSE], [LASTING], [POETIC]; [[RARE]]