Taxonomy of meanings for 怠:  

  • 怠 dài (OC: lɯɯʔ MC: dəi) 徒亥切 上 廣韻:【懈怠 】
    • LAZY
      • viactslacken in one's efforts; be remiss; be lazy in performance of one's duty; be listless in performance
      • vtoNbe negligent or remiss with respect to
      • vt+V[0]being lazy in VERBING
      • nabdispositionindolence
      • vadVnegligently, irresponsibly, in dereliction of duty
      • vt+prep+Nbe neglectful with respect to, be lazy with respect to
      • vtoNcausativecause to become remiss
    • TIRED
      • vifeel weary and uncapable of work
      • vt(oN)get tired of the contextually determinate N, lose interest in NCH
    • WEAK
      • vichangeslacken, weaken
      • = 殆
      • = 怡

      Additional information about 怠

      說文解字: 【怠】,慢也。从心、台聲。 【徒亥切】

      • LAZY

        1. The general word for a failure to make any kind of effort required of one is duò 惰 (ant. qín 勤 "eager to work"), and this word describes a general psychological condition of a person.

        2. Dài 怠 (ant. jìng 敬 "be respectfully dedicated to one's duties") refers to a customary failure to perform one's official duties with the appropriate seriousness of effort.

        3. Xiè 懈 (ant. jí 急 "be eager with respect to") refers to a an unwillingness to put in a necessary effort at a certain point of time in spite of the fact that one may not be congenitally or hopelessly prone to laziness.

        Word relations
      • Assoc: (LAZY)傲 / 傲敖/ARROGANT Ào 傲 (ant. qiān 謙 "unassuming") is primarily an arrogant attitude towards others and a failure to recognise the dignity of others in action. (NB: Only in post-Buddhist times does the word come to designate justified pride.) [DISPOSITION], [GRADED], [IMPERSONAL]
      • Assoc: (LAZY)懈 / 解/LAZY Xiè 懈 (ant. jí 急 "be eager with respect to") refers to a an unwillingness to put in a necessary effort at a certain point of time in spite of the fact that one may not be congenitally or hopelessly prone to laziness.