Taxonomy of meanings for 巷:  

  • 巷 xiàng (OC: ɡrooŋs MC: ɦɯɔŋ) 胡絳切 去 廣韻:【街巷又姓詩云巷伯胡絳切三 】
  • 巷 xiàng (OC: ɡrooŋs MC: ɦɯɔŋ) 胡絳切 去 廣韻:【同巷亦作𨜕 】
    • STREET
      • nlane, small street in a town orcity
      • nadVplacein the streets
      • nlane (old form of 巷)
      • SURNAMES
        • FIGHT
        • xiàngHOME
          • nabstractresidence, homeCS

        Additional information about 巷


        • NEIGHBOUR

          1. The standard word for a neighbour is lín 鄰.

          2. Xiàng rén 巷人 refers to street neighbours.

          3. Xiāng rén 鄉人 refers to fellow villagers.

          4. Sì lín 四鄰 refers to all one's neighbours on all sides.

        • STREET

          1. The general term for the streets of a compact settlement of any kind is xiàng 巷.

          2. Jiē 街 refers to main roads in settlements, but the word is rare.

          Word relations
        • Epithet: (STREET)窮/POOR Qióng 窮 (ant. fù 富 "rich") refers to an extreme state of destitution, which may, however, be transitory, and the word may also refer not so much to poverty as such as marked lack of expected success, professional failure (ant. dá 達); and the word may also refer to persons without regular means of support such as widows and orphans.
        • Contrast: (STREET)街/STREET Jiē 街 refers to main roads in settlements, but the word is rare.