Taxonomy of meanings for 崖:  

  • 崖 yá (OC: ŋɡree MC: ŋɯæ) 五佳切 平 廣韻:【髙崖也五佳切七 】
    • LIMIT
      • nabfigurativeouter limit; boundary
  • 崖 yí (OC: ŋɡre MC: ŋɯiɛ) 魚羈切 平 廣韻:【崖岸又五佳切 】
    • SHORE
      • nhigh bank of a river or lake
      • npost-NshoreCH

    Additional information about 崖

    說文解字: 【崖】,高邊也。从屵、圭聲。 【五佳切】

    • LIMIT

      1. The most common word for the extreme limit of anything, especially of abstract things, is jí 極.

      2. Jì 際 commonly refers to the interface between two realms of things.

      3. Yín 垠 refers to a distant limit on earth.

      4. Gāi 垓 is a rare and rarified word referring to cosmological limits.

      5. Yá 涯 and the etymologically related yá 崖 refer poetically to the limitations of things in time.

      6. Liàng 量 can refer abstractly to the fixed limit to something, for example the use of wine at meals.