Taxonomy of meanings for 宴:  

  • 宴 yàn (OC: qeens MC: ʔen) 於甸切 去 廣韻:【安也息也於甸切十三 】
    • BRIGHT
      • vi(of weather, or of the sky) be clear and bright. Also written 曣.
    • FEAST
      • vtoN=宴 SHI 35: hold a private feast for(for one's new wife); SHI 217; for friendship
      • viact=宴 lay on a private feast
      • nab=宴 LY 16.5 feasting; CC, shangshi: festive joy; feast
      • vadN=宴 festive, delivered on the occasion of public entertainments
      • vt[oN]causative=宴 lay on a feast (less formal than the 享)
      • nab.adV=宴 on the occasion of an (evening) feastCH
      • vadV=宴 on leisurely occasions; at leisure
      • viact=宴 have a good time; be quietlly at one's ease
  • 宴 yǎn (OC: qeenʔ MC: ʔen) 於殄切 上 廣韻:【安也又烏見切 】

    Additional information about 宴

    說文解字: 【宴】,安也。从宀、妟聲。 【於甸切】

    • BRIGHT

      1. The general term for what appears luminous or bright in the broadest sense of these terms is míng 明 (ant. àn 暗 "dark" and yǐn 隱 "dark"), a word heavily laden with religious overtones.

      2. Liàng 亮 "bright" (ant. yōu 幽 "dark and shady"), càn 燦 and làn 爛 are primarily optical and rather prosaic terms to use.

      3. Zhāo 昭 "resplendent" (ant. míng 冥 "dark"), gěng 耿 "brilliant", hào 皓 "shining bright", yè 燁, and hè 赫 "luminous" is a highly charged ritually high-flown word that belongs to court language, often with metaphorical force.

      4. Yáng 陽 "bright" (ant. yīn 陰 "dark") is simply the opposite of dark and does not connote any high degree of luminosity.

      5. Lǎng 朗 is an elevated word used to refer to things resplendent and bright.

      6. Hào 顥 and qíng 晴 "bright" refers to the brightness of the sky.

      7. Yàn 宴/曣 refers specifically to the brightness of the sky.

      8. Guāng 光 refers generally to light or even resplendence. See LIGHT

      For causative uses see ILLUMINATE.

      For figurative uses see ILLUSTRIOUS


      1. The current general term for the period of time not occupied by working is xián 閒 (ant. QIMIN YAOSHU 忙 "busy").

      2. Xiá 暇 refers specifically to the time of leisure between working spells.

      3. Jià 假 refers to an extended period free from official obligations, a holiday, and the word is marginal in this group.

      4. Yóu 游 / 遊 refers to the leisure-activities during one's free time.

      5. Kòng 空 refers abstractly to unoccupied time as such.

      6. Xián 嫻 / 閑 refers specifically to the kind of free and easy attitude one has during one's free time, but also to the work-free nature of something, and the word is often used as an adjective.

      7. Yàn 燕 and yàn 宴 refers to leisure time with a special focus on this time as an occasion for pleasure and enjoyment, often including food and music.

    • FEAST

      1. The current general term for a feast is yàn 宴 / 燕.

      2. Jiǔ 酒 and yǐn 飲 both refer to a drinking party where alcohol is served.

      3. Xiǎng 餉 / 饗 / 饟 refers to an elaborate festive repast.

      NB: Yán 筵 and xí 席 are post-Han words for a feast.