Taxonomy of meanings for 倒:  

  • 倒 dào (OC: k-laaws MC: tɑu) 都導切 去 廣韻:【倒懸又當老切 】
      • nabpsychintellectual perversion
      • vibe all upside down and incoherent
    • OPPOSE
      • vt+prep+Ngrate against, go against, be opposed to 倒於
      • vadVupside down
      • viactturn round; toss and turn
      • vpostadVverbal complement: V to the degree of turning over/turning upside down/collapsing
      • vtoNturn upside down; pervert
  • 倒 dǎo (OC: k-leewʔ MC: tɑu) 都晧切 上 廣韻:【仆也都晧切十一 】
      • vadNfalling over, falling down, collapsing
      • vichange(of buildings or anything that can be said to stand) collapse
      • vtoNfall onto, collapse onto (the ground)

    Additional information about 倒

    說文解字:    【倒】,仆也。从人、到聲。 【當老切】


      1. The general word for succeeding is 達 (ant. qiǒ2ng 窮 "get nowhere, have no way out") refers quite simply to "making it".

      2. Tōng 通 (ant. kùn 困 "run into trouble, get into trouble") refers to the achievement of unimpeded progress in what one is trying to do.

      3. Jī 幾 (ant. jiǒng 窘 "get into a hopeless position") refers to an almost complete success.

      4. Jí 及 refers to the successful reaching of a high level.

      5. Dé yì 得意 (liǎo dǎo 潦倒 "end up in a hopeless position") refers to the full achievement of one's highest ambitions or hopes.

      6. Yù 遇 (ant. bù yù 不遇 "fail to succeed") refers to success under certain specific circumstances or by chance.


      1. The current words for the collapse of buildings is qǐng 傾 and huī 隳.

      2. For the collapse of standing objects it is diān 顛.

      3. For the collapse of mountains we have bēng 崩 and tuí 頹.

      4. Dǎo 倒 is often used causatively to mean "make topple over".

      5. Pū 仆 refers to things falling from a vertical position so as to take up a horisontal position.

      6. Bì 斃 refers to some person or some animal collapsing suddenly, often to die.