Taxonomy of meanings for 鸞:  

  • 鸞 luán (OC: b-roon MC: lʷɑn) 落官切 平 廣韻:【春秋元命包曰离爲鸞孫氏瑞應圖曰鸞者赤神之精鳳皇之佐也山海經曰女牀山有鳥狀如翟而五采文名曰鸞見則天下太平安寧 】
    • BELL
      • nbell fixed on vehicles (eight of them), also on horse-bits, and on knives (!) which was supposed to make a sound like a luán-bird or phoenix
      • nadNfurnished with a bell 鸞刀
    • PHENIX
      • nphoenix

    Additional information about 鸞

    說文解字: 【鸞】,亦神靈之精也。赤色五采雞形,鳴中五音,頌聲作則至。从鳥、䜌聲。周成王時氐羌獻鸞鳥。 【洛官切】

    • BELL


      1. The current general word for a bell of any kind is zhōng 鐘 / 鍾. When hung up singly, it is called tè zhōng 特鐘, with round opening as in illustration SUN JI. Rhythmic instrument. Also, hung up in a series of tuned bells, in two rows of eight bells each. Note that these bells were already rare by Han times. [In use mainly from the Western Zhou till the Warring States.]


      2. Qìng 磬/罄 refers to music stones rather than bells, however, these "stones" could also be made of bronze.

      3. Náo 鐃 small handbell with handle which is held in one hand and beaten with the other hand.

      4. Zhēng 鉦 is a small bell with a handle like a náo 鐃, but somewhat larger, and not held in the hand but set up on a stand. It is used to order an army into retreat. (The gǔ 鼓 is used to order an army to attack.)

      5. Líng 鈴 refers to a small bell with a handle at the top.

      6. Duó 鐸 refers to a bell with a tongue which is similar to líng 鈴 but larger.

      7. Chuí 棰 refers to a metal or wooden stick with which to strike bells of any kind from the outside in order sound the bell. See STICK

      8. Yǔ 敔 is a rare word referring to a bell in the shape of a crouching tiger which is beaten using a bamboo stick. Apparently, this bell was only struck towards the end of a musical piece. [Mentioned in the YIJI chapter of the SHANGSHU. Description of the shape dates from the SONG. For a Chinese antiquity, I have not found any archaeological or pictorial evidence.]

      9. Bó 鎛 refers to a kind of suspended bell which is similar to zhōng 鐘 / 鍾 but even larger. Bó 鎛 were suspended not in sets, but alone or in pairs.

      10. Chún yú 錞于 refers to a special kind of bell.

      11. Luán 鸞 is a bell fixed on vehicles and knives which was supposed to make a sound like a luán-bird or phoenix.

      12. Luán 鑾 refers to a harness bell; probably identical with luán 鸞 : see LIJI.

      13. Zhù 柷 refers in SHI to some kind of resonance box used in music, an instrument which was struck in the beginning of a musical piece.