  • PLACEPART of SPACE that THINGS BE-IN:are-in.
      • OBJECT[NO HYPERNYM.] WHAT one CAN NAME:refer to.
    See also
      Old Chinese Criteria
      1. The most current word for the whole universe is tiān dì 天地

      2. Liù hé 六合 is a technical term referring to the world in all its dimensions from east to west, south to north, below to above.

      3. Yǔ zhòu 宇宙 is a rather abstract cosmological word for the universe of space and time.

      Modern Chinese Criteria










      rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

      • Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachinhaltsforschung. Teil II. Systematischer Teil. B. Ordnung nach Sinnbezirken (mit einem alphabetischen Begriffsschluessel): Der Mensch und seine Welt im Spiegel der Sprachforschung ( FRANKE 1989) p. 206A

      • Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe ( KOSELLECK 1972-97) p. 7.433-510

      • Dictionnaire culturel en langue francaise ( REY 2005) p. 4.1674

      • Historisches Woerterbuch der Philosophie ( RITTER 1971-2007) p. 11.221


      • Das grosse China-Lexikon ( STAIGER 2003) p. 402

      • Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy ( ZHANG DAINIAN 2002) p. 146

      Attributions by syntactic funtion

      • NPab : 96
      • NP : 30
      • NP{N1&N2} : 9
      • NPadN : 6
      • NP{vadN} : 3
      • NPab[adN] : 1
      • nab : 1
      • VPi : 1

      Attributions by text

      • 莊子 : 64
      • 荀子 : 15
      • 淮南子 : 11
      • 老子 : 7
      • 妙法蓮華經 : 7
      • 祖堂集 : 6
      • 春秋左傳 : 4
      • 阮籍集四卷 : 4
      • 太平經 : 3
      • 說苑 : 2
      • 史記 : 2
      • 列子 : 2
      • 孝經 : 2
      • 臨濟錄 : 2
      • 莊子集釋 : 2
      • 韓詩外傳 : 1
      • 周易 : 1
      • 陸機集十一卷 : 1
      • 搜神記 : 1
      • 老子乙本卷前古佚書 : 1
      • 墨子 : 1
      • 管子 : 1
      • 王羲之集二卷 : 1
      • 孫子 : 1
      • 尚書 : 1
      • 呂氏春秋 : 1
      • 孟子 : 1
      • 法言 : 1
      • 文子 : 1


      天地  tiān dì OC: lʰiin lils MC: then di 123 AttributionsWD

      The most current word for the whole universe is tiān dì 天地

        Word relations
      • Epithet: 氣/COSMIC FORCE The most general term for physical principles operative in the dynamics of natural processes is qì 氣.
      • Contrast: 氣/COSMIC FORCE The most general term for physical principles operative in the dynamics of natural processes is qì 氣.
      • Contrast: 萬物/ALL
      • Contrast: 海內/WORLD Hǎi nèi 海內 refers to what is surrounded by the four seas, i.e. the whole of the land mass of the world.

        Syntactic words
      • NPab[adN]the principles underlying Heaven(ly Yang) and Earth(ly Yin) =二儀之理 jQuery3310903682127743804_1691757749437?CH
      • NPab[adN]the principles underlying Heaven(ly Yang) and Earth(ly Yin) =二儀之理CH
      • NPabcosmologicalHeaven and Earth as cosmological constituents of the universe; the cosmic forces of the  universe (compare Yin and Yang)
      • NPabfigurativethe cosmic principles/vital energies of the Yin of Earth and Yang of Heaven. 宣潁:陰陽二氣CH
      • NPabindefinitea world (cf. 別有天地)CH
      • NPabsingular collectivethe  entire world (consisting of the things in Heaven and on Earth); this world of things 郭象:萬物之總名也。成玄英:萬物者,自然之別稱。
      • NPadN(the N) of/in the world (construed as a container)CH
      • NPcountedworlds between heavens and earthsCH
      • NPlimitedthe limited world of Heaven-and-EarthCH
      • NPlimited in timethe limited stretch of time during which Heaven and Earth existCH
      • NPplace/spacespace/place  between Heaven above and the Earth below; the space above the earth and below the sky=universal 天下CH
      • NPplural, additiveheaven above the myriad things and the earth below the myriad things (respectively); Liezi 1990:10 范解;夫天地者,萬物之上下也。 徽宗 on Liezi: 「陰陽者,氣之大o 天地者,形之大oCH
      • VPiact, derivedact (naturally) like Heaven and Earth
      宇宙  yǔ zhòu OC: ɢʷraʔ rliwɡs MC: ɦi̯o ɖɨu 6 AttributionsWD

      Yǔ zhòu 宇宙 is a rather abstract cosmological word for the universe of space and time.

        Syntactic words
      • NP{N1&N2}the universe of space and time (according to HNZ "the (cosmic) eaves and rafters" 高誘 注:"宇,屋簷也;宙,棟梁也。")
      娑婆  suō pó OC: saal baal MC: sɑ bʷɑ 5 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPbuddhistBUDDH: SANSKRIT sahā (lit. endurance, patience); referring to 娑婆世界 (SANSKRIT sahā-lokadhātu), the universe/realm where Śākyamuni Buddha conducts his teaching activities (it is referred to as 'Patience/Endurance' since people in this universe dwell in afflictions and are attached to the ten evils, unwilling to be liberated from them)
      乾坤  qián kūn OC: ɡran khuun MC: giɛn khuo̝n 3 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NP{N1&N2}Heaven and Earth
      六合  liù hé OC: ɡ-ruɡ ɡloob MC: luk ɦəp 3 AttributionsWD

      Liù hé 六合 is a technical term referring to the world in all its dimensions from east to west, south to north, below to above.

        Syntactic words
      • NP{vadN}the six elements constituting the universe; the whole world in all its dimensions from east to west, south to north, below to above; 謂天地四方也。
      三千世界  sān qiān shì jiè OC: saam snʰiin lʰebs kreeds MC: sɑm tshen ɕiɛi kɣɛi 2 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPBUDDH: a great chiliocosm (see 三千大千世界)
      三千大千世界  sān qiān dà qiān shì shì OC: saam snʰiin daads snʰiin lʰebs kreeds MC: sɑm tshen dɑi tshen ɕiɛi kɣɛi 2 AttributionsWD
      • Studies in the Language of Zǔtáng jí 祖堂集 ( ANDERL 2004B) p. 446-447

        sa1n qia2n 三千 in sa1n-qia1n da4-qia1n shi4jie4 三千大千世界 does not mean '3,000 great universes' but a great universe consisting of 1,000 times 1,000 times 1,000 (1,0003=1,000,000,000) small universes. One small universe (xia3o shi4-jie4 小世界 or ta4i-ya2ng-xi4 太陽系 'sun-system') consists of Mt. Sumeru (Xu1mi2 須彌) and its sourrounding four continents with its five mountains and eight oceans. This world includes a sun, a moon, Mt. Sumeru and several kinds of heavens. Thousand such small universes are called a small world-system (small chiliocosm; xia3o-qia1n-shi4-jie4 小千世界 small/thousand/world-territory). One thousand of these small world-systems form a medium world-system (medium chiliocosm; zho1ng-qia1n-shi4-jie4 中千世界 middle/thousand/world-territory). Thousand medium world-systems finally form a great world-system (great chiliocosm da4-qia1n shi4-jie4 大千世界 great/thousand/ world-territory). One of these great world-systems is the teaching-territory of one Buddha.

        Thus, sa1n qia1n da4 qia1n shi4-jie4 三千大千世界 means: 'three-thousand/great-thousand/world-boundary > a world-system of the 'great-thousand' kind which consists of 1,000 times 1,000 times 1,000 [small worlds]'. Strictly speaking, sa1n 三 is a preposed exponent to qia1n (10003).

        Sa1n-qia1n da4-qia1n shi4-jie4 is often abbreviated to sa1n-qia1n shi4-jie4 三千世界 'three-thousand/world-boundary > great world-system'.

        Syntactic words
      • NPBUDDH: great universe consisting of 1,000 times 1,000 times 1,000 (1,0003=1,000,000,000) small universes, chiliocosmos; SANSKRIT tri-sahasra-mahā-sahasra-loka-dhātu
      天地之大全  tiān dì zhī dà quán MC: then dijH tsyi dajH dzjwen OC: lʰiin lils kljɯ daads sɡonCH 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPthe entire constellation of Heaven and EarthCH
      至大之域  zhì dà zhī yù MC: tsyijH dajH tsyi hwik OC: kljiɡs daads kljɯ ɢʷrɯɡCH 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPthe totality of the universe (also beyond the local Heaven and Earth)CH
      天壤  tiān rǎng MC: then nyangX OC: lʰiin njaŋʔCH 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPabUniverse contained by Heaven and EarthCH
      小世界  xiǎo shì jiè OC: smewʔ lʰebs kreeds MC: siɛu ɕiɛi kɣɛi 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPBUDDH: a small word, small universe (consisting of Mt. Sumeru and the surrounding four continents with its five mountains and eight oceans; the universe includes a sun, a moon, and several kinds of heavens); see also 三千大千世界
      中千世界  zhōng qiān shì jiè OC: krluŋ snʰiin lʰebs kreeds MC: ʈuŋ tshen ɕiɛi kɣɛi 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPa medium-seized chiliocosm (world-system), consisting of 1,000 small chiliocosm (小千世界); see also 三千大千世界
      小千世界  xiǎo qiān shì jiè OC: smewʔ snʰiin lʰebs kreeds MC: siɛu tshen ɕiɛi kɣɛi 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPBUDDH: a small chiliocosm (world-system) consisting of thousand small worlds/universes (see 小世界 and 三千大千世界)

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