Taxonomy of meanings for 苞:  

  • 苞 bāo (OC: pruu MC: pɯau) 布交切 平 廣韻:【叢生也豐也茂也又苞筍又姓 】
    • GATHER
      • viactget together, gather as a group or a unit
    • GROW
      • vadNgrowing in clusters
      • vichangegrow in clusters
      • vtoNcausativemake grow in clusters
    • GRASS
      • BLOSSOM
        • TRUNK
          • BROAD
            • = 包
            • SURNAMES
            • bāoWRAP
              • vtoNfigurative(= bao1 包) embrace, cover and protectLZ

            Additional information about 苞

            說文解字: 【苞】,艸也。南陽以爲麤履。从艸、包聲。 【布交切】

            • GROW

              1. The current general term for growth is zhǎng 長, and for having as a habitat it is shēng 生.

              2. Chéng 成 refers specifically to growing to a mature state and thus to grow into something grown-up.

              3. Bāo 苞 refers to plants growing in clusters.

              4. Shú 熟 refers to a plant growing to maturity and the ripe stage where it may be harvested.

              NB: Chǎn 產 refers specifically to a plant or an animal being a product of a certain area and thus growing in that area. This word is marginal in the group.