Taxonomy of meanings for 隕:  

  • 隕 yǔn (OC: ɢunʔ MC: ɦʷɯin) 于敏切 上 廣韻:【墜也落也 】
    • FALL
      • vtoNcausativeshed (tears etc)
      • viprocessZUO Xi 16: fall from the sky (stones!); to rain down; to fall (like rain)
      • vt+prep+Nfall into
    • LOSE
      • vtoNlose
      • nabeventloss; fall; collapse; decline
      • COLLAPSE
        • = 殞
        • = 員

        Additional information about 隕

        說文解字: 【隕】,從高下也。从𨸏、員聲。《易》曰:有隕自天。 【于敏切】

        • FALL

          1. The current general word for falling is zhuì 墜, and this word always has concrete meanings typically involving things falling out of the sky or from a high place.

          2. Duò 墮 typically refers to things falling from a much more moderate height.

          3. Yǔn 隕 refers to the falling down of something that has its natural place in a high position, including leaves growing on trees.

          4. Luò 落 is a rare word which usually refers to the falling of leaves from trees.

          5. Xiàn 陷 refers to falling into objects like pits or holes in the ground, also bogs zé 澤, but not rivers and the like.