Taxonomy of meanings for 駐:  

  • 駐 zhù (OC: tos MC: ʈio) 中句切 去 廣韻:【止馬 】
    • DWELL
      • vtoN{PLACE}set up camp in Npl
    • REMAIN
      • viremain in one place
      • vtoNcausativecause to remain > stop, bring to a halt
    • STOP
      • vtoNcausativestop, cease to move

    Additional information about 駐

    說文解字: 【駐】,馬立也。从馬、主聲。 【中句切】

    • REMAIN

      1. The current word for staying or remaining in one place is jū 居 (ant. xíng 行 "walk away").

      2.Chǔ 處 (ant. yóu 游 "travel"), much rarer than jū 居, refers to being situated in one place rather than moving about, and the word, in this meaning, can refer to persons as well as things.

      3. Zhǐ 止 is inchoative and refers to the coming to stop so as to remain in a certain place after movement.

      4. Liú 留 (ant. lí 離 "get away from a place") refers to immobility in one place after one has already spent some time there.

      5. Zhù 駐 can come to refer to staying in a place other than one's home.

      6. Zhì 滯 refers to getting stuck in one place, being unable to leave.