Taxonomy of meanings for 鱗:  

  • 鱗 lín (OC: rin MC: lin) 力珍切 平 廣韻:【魚甲又姓左傳宋大夫鱗朱 】
    • FISH
      • nabnonreferentialscaly creatures
      • nadVlike fish/scaly animals in water SHIJI: 鱗集
      • part of>FISH PARTS
        • nscales of fish
        • nfigurativescale-like structures
        • nadNscaly
        • nadVanalogylike scales of a fish SHIJI: 鱗集
    • LETTER
      • SURNAME

      Additional information about 鱗


      • FISH PARTS

        1. Qí 鰭 refers to fins.

        2. Lín 鱗 refers to a fish scales.

        3. Qí 鬐 specifically refers to to a dorsal fin.

        4. Biào 鰾 refers to a fish air bladder.

        5. Sāi 鰓 refers to a branchia.

        6. Gěng 鯁 refers to fish bones.

      • FISH

        1. The common general term for a fish is yú 魚.

        2. Lín 鱗 can be also used as a general term for a fish, because the body of a fish is covered with scales (lín 鱗 ).

        3. Xiān 鮮 is a fairly rare general term for a fish.

        4. Jīng 鯨 (traditional reading qíng) refers to a whale. See FISHES

        5. Shā 鯊 refers to a shark.

        6. Guān 鰥 is the kind of a very large fish living in rivers and lakes. It has a long and narrow mouth and moves alone.