Taxonomy of meanings for 閭:  

  • 閭 lǘ (OC: ɡ-ra MC: liɔ) 力居切 平 廣韻:【侶也居也又閭閻周禮曰五家爲比使之相保五比爲閭使之相受也又姓出衛國頓丘二望又漢複姓四氏凡閭氏出自晉唐叔賈執英賢傳云今東莞有之林閭氏出自嬴姓文字志云後漢有蜀郡林閭翁孺愽學善書藝文志云占有將閭子名菟好學著書晉有寧州刺史樂安辟閭彬 】
    • GATE
      • nneighbourhood gate; village gate (the height of which indicted status of the inhabitants)
      • VILLAGE
        • nUNGER SACH ly gives details. ZZ 1268: immediate neighbourhood, village; area (in conurbation)
        • n[adN]the people of the villageCH

      Additional information about 閭


      • VILLAGE

        1. The current general word for a village of any kind is lǐ 里. But note that this word even more often refers to city neighbourhoods.

        2. Xiāng 鄉 as an administrative term refers to a fairly non-urban neighbourhood area which will normally include several lǐ 里. ZHOULI and Han commentators arbitrarily define this as containing 12 500 families; when used informally, the term refers to a person's home or the vicinity where he lives, as in xiāng rén 鄉人.

        3. Lu �閭 refers generally to a narrowly defined neighbourhood area in the countryside, or a small neighbourhood in a conurbation. Han commentators do not quantify the number of inhabitants.

        4. Lín 鄰 refers to the administrative unit of a "neighbourhood". Traditionally, this was quantified as containing five or eight families.

      • GATE

        1. The current general word for a gate or door of any kind is mén 門, but the word also refers specifically to the two-leaf main gate rather than small doors inside a building complex.

        2. Fēi 扉 refers to a main gate which has only one leaf or to the leaf of a gate.

        3. Hé 闔 refers generally to the wing of a door. Specifically - according to the Zheng's commentary to the LIJI - the word refers to the wooden wing.

        4. Wéi 闈 (ant. dà mén 大門 ) refers to the minor gates to a compound or palace.

        5. Lu �閭 refers to a gate of a neighbourhood or a village.

        6. Hàn 閈 is another term for the gate of a village.

        7. Yán 閻 refers to the gate inside a village or neighbourhood; it also refers to the small street in a village.

        8. Hóng 閎 originally perhaps referred to the street gate inside a palace (??), but it can be also used as the general term for a gate.

        9. Tà 闥 refers to a small door and also to the space inside the door.