Taxonomy of meanings for 舜:  

  • 舜 shùn (OC: qjuns MC: ɕʷin) 舒閏切 去 廣韻:【虞舜仁聖盛明曰舜説文作䑞艸也楚謂之䔰秦謂之藑蔓地連華象形舒閏切八 】
    • GRASS
        • n{PRED}pregnantbe a veritable Shùn
        • nprname of ancient Emperor
        • nprnonreferentiala person like Shùn
        • npro.adVin Shun4's mannerLZ
    • 舜 shùn (OC: hljuns MC: ɕʷin) 舒閏切 去 廣韻:【見舜注 】

      Additional information about 舜


      • BOW


        1. The current general word for the bow is gōng 弓, and it must be remembered that in early times the bow was used not only to shoot arrows but also mud pellets and the like.

        2. Nǔ 弩 refers specifically to the crossbow which became current in Warring States times.

        3. Hú 弧 refers specifically to an ancient "primitive" bow.

        4. Dǐ 弤 refers to a beautifully crafted lacquered bow, and it is the rare name of the legendary emperor Shùn's 舜 mythical bow.

        NB: The following are late words relevant to this group:

        5. Chāo 弨 refers to an unstrung bow.

        6.Shāo 弰 refers to the end of a bow.