Taxonomy of meanings for 膽:  

  • 膽 tán (OC: ɡ-laan MC: dɑn) 徒干切 平 廣韻:【胆口脂澤出證俗文 】
  • 膽 dǎn (OC: k-laamʔ MC: tɑm) 都敢切 上 廣韻:【肝膽都敢切六 】
      • nabdispositionfighting spirit
      • viXUN: be courageous
    • GALL
      • ngallbladder, bile
    • IDEA
      • WIPE
        • SURNAMES

          Additional information about 膽

          說文解字: 【膽】,連肝之府。 〔小徐本「府」下有「也」。〕 从肉、詹聲。 【都敢切】

          • INNARDS

            1. The general term for the five main inner organs is zàng 臟 / 藏

            2. xīn 心 "heart", one of the five main inner organs

            3. gān 肝 "liver", one of the five main inner organs

            4. fèi 肺 "liver", one of the five main inner organs

            5. shèn 腎 "kidney", one of the five main inner organs

            6. pí 脾 "spleen", one of the five main inner organs

            7. fǔ 腑 refers to the entrails of the digestive system

            8. wèi 胃 "stomach", included in fǔ 腑, entrails of the digestive system

            9. cháng 腸 "guts", included in fǔ 腑, entrails of the digestive system

            10. fù yú 腴 "fatty belly meat, entrails", included in fǔ 腑, entrails of the digestive system

            11. dǎn 膽 "gall", included in fǔ 腑, entrails of the digestive system