Taxonomy of meanings for 絡 / 繹:  

  • luòCORD
    • n(horse's) halter
  • luòNET
    • nnetting, web
  • luòTHREAD

    Additional information about 絡

    說文解字: 【絡】,絮也。一曰:麻未漚也。从糸、各聲。 【盧各切】

    • THREAD

      1. The current general word for a thread is xiàn 線, and this thread is mostly used for sewing and binding things.

      2. Lu# 縷 refers to the thread or fibre as used in making cloth, and this fible can be of hemp or of silk.

      3. Lú 纑 refers specifically to a hemp thread.

      4. Luò 絡 refers to a silken cord.