Taxonomy of meanings for 窗:  

  • 窗 chuāng (OC: skhrooŋ MC: tʂʰɯɔŋ) 楚江切 平 廣韻:【説文曰在牆曰牖在屋曰囪楚江切九 】
    • WINDOW
      • nwindow in the roof of a house (which in ancient times might be dug about one meter into the ground)
      • nadVfrom the window, through the window LIAOZHAI: 窗窺 "look through the window"
  • 窗 chuāng (OC: skhrooŋ MC: tʂʰɯɔŋ) 楚江切 平 廣韻:【同䆫 】
  • 窗 chuāng (OC: skhrooŋ MC: tʂʰɯɔŋ) 楚江切 平 廣韻:【俗䆫 】
  • 窗 chuāng (OC: skhrooŋ MC: tʂʰɯɔŋ) 楚江切 平 廣韻:【説文作窗通孔也釋名曰䆫聦也於内見外之聦明也 】

    Additional information about 窗

    說文解字: 【囪(囱匆)】、在牆曰牖,在屋曰囱。象形。凡囱之屬皆从囱。 【楚江切】 【窗】,或从穴。 【𡆧】,古文。 〔小徐本作「 【𡆧】,古文。 【窗】,或从穴。」〕

    • WINDOW

      1. The current general word for a window is yǒu 牖, but the word typically refers to a window in the side wall of a building.

      2. Chuāng 窗 refers to a window in the roof, but at later stages comes to replace yǒu 牖 as the standard general word for any window.

      3. Xiàng 向 / 鄉 is a rare word referring to small windows facing north.