Taxonomy of meanings for 禾:  

    Additional information about 禾

    說文解字: 【禾】,嘉穀也。二月始生,八月而孰,得時之中,故謂之禾。 〔小徐本「二月」上有「從」,「孰」作「熟」,「中」下有「和」。〕 禾,木也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 木王而生,金王而死。从木、从𠂹省。𠂹,象其穗。凡禾之屬皆从禾。 【戶戈切】

    • MILLET

      Sù 粟 is the most common word for foxtail millet (Setaria italica), and it refers to it as a food and grain.

      Liáng 粱 is a fine millet grain.

      Hé 禾 is 1) a term for foxtail millet (Setaria italica) as one regards the form of a plant. 2) a specific word for a stalk of millet.

      Pēi 秠 refers to a kind of dark millet (Panicum miliaceum) with two grains in one husk.

      Jì 稷 is an ancient specific term for foxtail millet (Setaria italica), having the religious nuance.

      Shǔ 黍 is a general term for millet of Panicum miliaceum kind.

      Lù 稑 refers to foxtail millet (Setaria italica) which is sewn late and ripe early.

      Qǐ 芑 is a word for a fine millet grain used in antiquity.