Taxonomy of meanings for 珠:  

  • 珠 zhū (OC: tjo MC: tɕio) 章俱切 平 廣韻:【珠玉白虎通曰德至深淵則海出明珠 】
    • PEARL
      • npearl, bead
      • nmadNmade of pearls; decorated with pearls
      • generalised: precious>STONE
        • exocentric: exquisite>TEXT
        • =朱RED

          Additional information about 珠

          說文解字: 【珠】,蚌之陰精。 〔小徐本「蚌」作「蜯」。〕 从玉、朱聲。《春秋國語》曰:珠以禦火灾,是也。 【章俱切】

          • PEARL

            1. The standard word for a rounded pearl is zhū 珠.

            2. Jī 璣 refers to a smaller variety of a non-round pearl.

            Word relations
          • Epithet: (PEARL)明/BRIGHT The general term for what appears luminous or bright in the broadest sense of these terms is míng 明 (ant. àn 暗 "dark" and yǐn 隱 "dark"), a word heavily laden with religious overtones.
          • Assoc: (PEARL)玉/JADE