Taxonomy of meanings for 渴:  

  • 渴 jié (OC: ɡrad MC: ɡɯiɛt) 渠列切 入 廣韻:【水盡也 】
  • 渴 kě (OC: khaad MC: kʰɑt) 苦曷切 入 廣韻:【飢渴又虜複姓二氏後魏書渴侯氏後改爲緱氏渴單氏後改爲單氏亦虜三字姓後魏書北方渇燭渾氏後改爲朱氏苦曷切八 】
      • nabstativethirst
      • v[adN]nonreferentialone who is thirsty, a thirsty person
      • vadNthirsty
      • vigradedbe thirsty, go thirsty; feel thirsty 極渴
      • vtoNthirst after [CA]
      • vtoNcausativeleave thirsty, let go thirsty (horses etc)
      • vichangeget dehydratedCH
      • vt+prep+Nthirst for, yearn for NTWH
    • EAGER
        • SURNAMES
        • 渴 kě (OC: khaad MC: kʰɑt) 苦曷切 入 廣韻:【渴古文 】

          Additional information about 渴

          說文解字: 【渴】,盡也。从水、曷聲。 【苦葛切】

          • DRY

            1. The common general term for dryness is zào 燥 (ant. shī 濕 "wet").

            2. Gǎo 槁 and kū 枯 (ant. rùn 潤 "lush") are common words referring specifically to dryness of trees and sometimes other plants.

            3. Hé/hào 涸 (ant. mǎn 滿 "full of water") views dryness as the result of a process of dissication.

            4. Gān 乾 (ant. shī 濕 "wet") focusses on the striking and complete absence of liquid.

            5. Jié 渴 merely emphasises insufficient water supply or exhaustion of water supplies.

            6. Jiāo 焦 adds to the notion of dryness that of exceesive heat.


          • THIRSTY

            1. The dominant general word fir thirstiness is kě 渴.

            Word relations
          • Assoc: (THIRSTY)餒/HUNGRY Něi 餒 refers to the state of being hungry in an individual, and at a certain time.
          • Oppos: (THIRSTY)飢/HUNGRY The most common current and general word for insufficiency of food supplies is probably jī 飢 (ant. bǎo 飽 "have eaten enough"), and this word refers to any such insufficiency, temporary or lasting, serious or minor. Presumably, the word can also refer to insufficiency of food among animals.