Taxonomy of meanings for 株:  

    Additional information about 株

    說文解字: 【株】,木根也。从木、朱聲。 【陟輸切】

    • ROOT

      1. The current common word for a root of any kind is gēn 根, but the word also refers specifically to roots growing horizontally near the surface of the earth.

      3. Dǐ 柢 refers specifically to the roots of a plant that grow straight down into the earth.

      3. Běn 本 refers to the lower part of the tree, and this part of the tree is often thought of as including the root. See TRUNK

      4. Zhū 株 refers to a tree-stump, and this part of the tree is often thought of as including the root. See TRUNK

    • TRUNK

      1. The general word referring to the trunk of a plant, particularly of trees is gàn 幹.

      2. Běn 本 refers to the lower main bearing part of the trunk, and the word often includes the root.

      3. Zhū 株 refers to a truncated trunk, and the root can be implied in the meaning of the word. See ROOT

      Word relations
    • Oppos: (TRUNK)根/ROOT The current common word for a root of any kind is gēn 根, but the word also refers specifically to roots growing horizontally near the surface of the earth.