Taxonomy of meanings for 晴:  

  • 晴 qíng (OC: dzeŋ MC: dziɛŋ) 疾盈切 平 廣韻:【天晴 】
    • BRIGHT
      • nabbrightness (> clear sky without coulds)
    • STOP

      Additional information about 晴


      • BRIGHT

        1. The general term for what appears luminous or bright in the broadest sense of these terms is míng 明 (ant. àn 暗 "dark" and yǐn 隱 "dark"), a word heavily laden with religious overtones.

        2. Liàng 亮 "bright" (ant. yōu 幽 "dark and shady"), càn 燦 and làn 爛 are primarily optical and rather prosaic terms to use.

        3. Zhāo 昭 "resplendent" (ant. míng 冥 "dark"), gěng 耿 "brilliant", hào 皓 "shining bright", yè 燁, and hè 赫 "luminous" is a highly charged ritually high-flown word that belongs to court language, often with metaphorical force.

        4. Yáng 陽 "bright" (ant. yīn 陰 "dark") is simply the opposite of dark and does not connote any high degree of luminosity.

        5. Lǎng 朗 is an elevated word used to refer to things resplendent and bright.

        6. Hào 顥 and qíng 晴 "bright" refers to the brightness of the sky.

        7. Yàn 宴/曣 refers specifically to the brightness of the sky.

        8. Guāng 光 refers generally to light or even resplendence. See LIGHT

        For causative uses see ILLUMINATE.

        For figurative uses see ILLUSTRIOUS