Taxonomy of meanings for 慟:  

  • 慟 tòng (OC: dooŋs MC: duŋ) 徒弄切 去 廣韻:【慟哭哀過也 】
    • GRIEF
      • nabpsychexcessive feelings of grief
      • vitransitivebe excessively moved to grief [make a demonstration of excessive grief vi.act??][CA]
    • WEEP

      Additional information about 慟

      說文解字:    【慟】,大哭也。从心、動聲。 【徒弄切】

      • GRIEF

        1. The current general word for deep sorrow is āi 哀 (ant. lè 樂 "profound joy"), and this word refers to an inner state of mind that typically finds expression in ritualised action, and the feeling is prototypically directed not at bereavement as such but at a deceaed person.

        2. Tòng 慟 refers to an excessive display of grief.

        3. Yōu 憂 "worry" (ant. xǐ 喜 "joy") can occasionally come to refer to intense worry with a strong admixture of grief, and this usage must be regarded as a polite periphrasis. (For the main meaning of this word see WORRY.)

        4. Bēi āi 悲哀 is a common abstract and dignified way of referring to grief.

        5. A4o nǎo 懊惱 is a common vernacular way of referring to grief, which became especially common in Buddhist literature.