Taxonomy of meanings for 巡:  

  • 巡 xún (OC: sɢʷun MC: zʷin) 詳遵切 平 廣韻:【逡巡説文曰視行也 】

    Additional information about 巡

    說文解字: 【巡】,延行皃。 〔小徐本「延」作「視」。〕 从辵、川聲。 【詳遵切】


      1. The general word for inspection are jiān 監 "survey and inspect by higher orders" and guān 觀 which refers very generally to surveying anything, and not necessarily by order of anyone else, but usually in great detail.

      2. Dū 督 is also very common but strictly limited to bureaucratic contexts.

      3. Xún 巡 adds to the notion of bureaucratic inspection that of official travel in order to carry out the inspection involved.